Friday, 1 October 2010

Primeira frustracao mas tambem algumas alegrias

Depois de 2 semanas aqui podemos dizer que nao e’ facil mudar o que quer que seja.
Na introducao que tivemos ja nos tinham avisado que tudo aqui e muito lento, para nao ficarmos desmotivados se as nossas ideias nao fossem para a frente.
Uma das ideias que tinhamos era pintar o exterior do centro de saude. Isto para o tornar mais apresentavel. Esta ideia foi recusada por nao ser “sustentavel.”...

Tentamos limpar a zona circundante mas foi-nos dito que tinhamos de pedir ao director da escola adjacente autorizacao. Parece que a comunidade tem de pagar para cortar a relva, muito estranho...Nao sei o que a limpeza tem a ver com o cortar a relva mas pronto...Lost in translation=)

Mas ja fizemos algumas coisas positivas, ja conseguimos arrumar e limpar o interior do posto. Colocamos a medicacao nas estantes, ordenamos os livros e diversos documentos.
Se vissem a quantidade de po que havia nas estantes!!!Elas nunca foram limpas de certeza....E o po que retiramos dos tapetes?????impressionante!!Este povo tem pouca nocao de higiene.

Ha 2 senhoras a trabalhar no posto, tentamos ensina-las a deixar as coisas em condicoes, a arrumar o material de modo a ser de facil e rapido acesso. Ou seja, a optimizar o espaco.
Gostava muito de voltar daqui a um ano e ver se o esforco teve algum efeito ou nao. Quero pensar que sim.

Outra realizacao que sentimos e’ a nivel dos pensos. Feridas profundas  e com mau aespecto vao-se tornando pouco a pouco melhores. Ja conseguimos dar alta a alguns doentes, mas para isso tive que quebrar algumas regras de enfermagem....

First frustration but also a few happy things

After 2 weeks we can say that is not easy to change something in here. In the induction we had they had already warned us that everything in here is slow, for us not to be sad if our ideas are not accepted. But even so…One of our ideas was to paint the health post, for it to look better. This idea was refused because it was not “sustainable”…
We tried to clean the area around the H.P. but they told us we had to ask permission to the principle of the school nearby. It seems like the community needs to pay for the grass to be cutted, very weird…And we didn’t understand what is the connection between cleaning and cutting the grass…Lost in translation=)

But we did something positive! We managed to clean and organize the interior of the H.P. We’ve putted the medication in shelves, organized books and other documents. If you saw the amount of dust the shelves had!! I bet they were never cleaned..and the dust we took from the carpets???Impressive! They have few notions of hygiene.
There are 2 ladies working with us. We tried to teach them how to organize the material so the access is easy and fast.
I would like to come back in a year time to see if our effort had any result or not. I want to be positive.

Another positive thing that we feel is concerning the dressings. Deep and horrible wound become better every day. I’ve managed to discharge some of the patients but for that I had to break some of the nursing rules….

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